Aug 17, 2023
Zehan Wang∗ Haifeng Huang∗ Yang Zhao Ziang Zhang Zhou Zhao†
Zhejiang University
{wangzehan01, huanghaifeng, zhaozhou}
3D scene understanding has gained significant attention due to its wide range of applications. However, existing methods for 3D scene understanding are limited to specific downstream tasks, which hinders their practicality in real-world applications. This paper presents Chat-3D, which combines the 3D visual perceptual ability of pre-trained 3D representations and the impressive reasoning and conversation capabilities of advanced LLMs to achieve the first universal dialogue systems for 3D scenes. Specifically, we align 3D representations into the feature space of LLMs, thus enabling LLMs to perceive the 3D world. Given the scarcity of 3D scene-text data, we propose a three-stage training strategy to efficiently utilize the available data for better alignment. To enhance the reasoning ability and develop a user-friendly interaction scheme, we further construct a high-quality object-centric 3D instruction dataset and design an associated object-centric prompt. Our experiments show that Chat-3D achieves an impressive ability to comprehend diverse instructions for 3D scenes, engage in intricate spatial reasoning, and incorporate external knowledge into its responses. Chat-3D achieves a 75.6% relative score compared with GPT-4 on the constructed instruction dataset. The project page is
1 Introduction
3D vision is an important way for robots to perceive the rich semantic and spatial information of the real world. 3D scene understanding [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] has garnered increasing attention in recent years, owing to its broad range of applications in human-robot interaction, metaverse, robotics, and embodied intelligence. However, current methods [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] are limited in addressing specific downstream tasks, such as captioning and question answering, while lacking the ability to engage in general dialogue regarding a 3D scene, restricting their practicality in various real-world tasks. A universal dialogue system for 3D scenes is an imperative component of high-level intelligent robots.
The general dialogue system for 3D scenes requires two kinds of abilities: 3D perception and reasoning. Recently, several studies [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] on pre-trained 3D representations shows impressive performance in 3D perception. However, the reasoning ability for the 3D world remains constrained owing to the scarcity of reasoning and describing data for 3D scenes.
Large language models (LLMs) [18, 19, 20, 21], on the other hand, exhibit remarkable prowess in complex reasoning and open-domain conversations. Moreover, recent methods [22, 23, 24, 25, 26] attempt to extend LLMs to image and video fields. These works typically adopt a two-stage training scheme: Firstly, the visual representations are aligned into the word embedding space of LLMs by leveraging large-scale image-text and video-text datasets [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]. Secondly, they enhance the reasoning capabilities of LLMs regarding visual concepts by fine-tuning on the instruction datasets.
Despite the success of image and video understanding fields, introducing LLMs to perceive 3D scenes faces two challenges: 1) Compared to the millions or even billions of image-text and video-text data [28, 29, 30, 31, 32], the 3D scene-text data [4, 3] is limited. Consequently, in the low-resource scenarios, the commonly used two-stage training scheme in previous multi-modal LLMs is less effective in aligning pre-trained 3D representations to the feature space of LLMs. 2) 3D scenes always encompass a greater number of objects compared to an image or a video clip. Thus, the common questions or instructions in images and videos are more susceptible to ambiguity in 3D scenes. Consider a simple question like “What is in front of this chair?” on a 3D scene that contains multiple chairs. The dialogue model cannot understand which specific chair the user is asking about, and uniquely describing an object (the chair) in question is often difficult and user-unfriendly due to the complex object relations.
In this paper, we propose Chat-3D, the first attempt to extend the reasoning and conversation capabilities of LLMs to 3D scene understanding. We employ a three-stage training scheme to more efficiently utilize the limited data. Specifically, in the first stage, we directly align the features of 3D objects with the word embeddings of their class names. In the second stage, we learn a 3D object relation module via 3D scene-text data to capture semantic information about the whole 3D scene. Finally, in the third stage, we further tune the model with a high-quality instruction dataset. To further enhance the reasoning ability of Chat-3D, we construct the instruction dataset via an object-centric scheme, which means all instructions are related to a specific object. Combining our object-centric prompt, users can effortlessly select the object in the scene they want to engage in a dialogue about, without the need to uniquely describe the specific object in their instructions.
In summary, our contributions can be summarized as follows:
- We build the first universal dialogue system for 3D scenes, leveraging the advanced visual perception capabilities of 3D pre-trained models, in conjunction with the powerful reasoning and open-domain conversational abilities of LLMs.
- We introduce a new three-stage training scheme for multi-modal LLM, enabling the model to progressively transition from learning individual object attributes to capturing complex spatial object relations. This approach effectively improves the quality of dialogue with limited available data.
- We construct a high-quality object-centric 3D instruction dataset including diverse dialogues about object attributes, positions, relationships, functionalities, placement suggestions, and detailed descriptions within 3D scenes. We propose a corresponding object-centric prompt approach to provide a user-friendly interaction method.
- Our experiments demonstrate that Chat-3D exhibits remarkable capabilities in universal dialogue and spatial reasoning based on 3D scenes. We also employ quantitative comparison to evaluate the effectiveness of our three-stage training scheme and instruction dataset.
2 Related Work
3D Representation Learning. 3D point cloud is a fundamental visual modality. Recently, numerous attempts are made to learn discriminative and robust representations for point cloud objects. Point- BERT [12], Point-MAE [13], Transformer-OcCo [14], and point-m2ae [15] employ self-supervised learning approaches to extract meaningful representations of 3D objects from unlabeled point cloud data. Another series of works aims to extend representation from other modalities to 3D. For instance, ULIP [16] and openshape [17] construct (3D-image-text) triplets to align point clouds within the CLIP [35, 36] representation space, while I2P-MAE [37] and ACT [38] learn 3D representations from image pre-trained models [39, 40]. These powerful 3D representations can effectively capture the detailed information of a 3D object. In Chat-3D, we segment the 3D scene into objects and extract features for each object, which yields a set of object features to represent the 3D scene and serves as a prerequisite for an object-centric interactive approach.
3D-Language Tasks. The interaction between 3D point clouds and natural language has wild applications and has garnered increasing attention recently. 3D captioning [5, 3, 4] focuses on generating descriptions of a specific object in a 3D scene. In 3D visual question answering [1],
the model is required to answer questions based on the visual content of the 3D scene, while the more complex 3D situated question answering [2] requires the model to understand agent’s situation (position, orientation, etc.) in a 3D scene as described by text, reason about the surrounding environment. Different from vision-language tasks [41, 42, 43, 44, 27, 45] and methods [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51] based on images and videos, these 3D-language tasks and corresponding methods place more emphasis on spatial reasoning and the possible interaction between agents and scenes. Despite the significant progress made in this field, existing methods still focus on improving isolated task-specific models, without exploring a unified dialogue system.
Multi-modal Large Language Models. Recently, Large Language Models showcase remarkable abilities in complex reasoning and conversational communication with humans. To extend the knowledge, reasoning, and conversation abilities acquired from vast amounts of text data to more modalities, some studies [22, 23, 24, 25, 26] attempt to instruction tune LLMs for multimodal learning. Specifically, these works first use the caption learning objective to learn the aligning of visual features with pre-trained LLMs from large-scale vision-language paired data. Then, a high-quality instruction dataset is utilized to further enhance the LLMs’ comprehension of the visual world. However, in the 3D-Language field, 3D scene-text pairs are scarce. Thus the indirect aligning method is unreliable and incomplete for 3D representations and pre-trained LLMs. To mitigate this issue, we propose a more data-efficient three-stage tuning scheme that establishes a more direct learning stage for alignment, reduces the annotation requirements, and provides a smooth learning curve.
3 Methods
3.1 Architecture
Chat-3D aims to create a universal dialogue system for 3D scenes by aligning 3D representations with pre-trained LLM [20]. The overall network architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.
For the input 3D scene S, we first use a 3D object segmentation model [52, 53, 54] or ground truth annotations to segment it into objects. Then, users can select the specific object they want to engage in dialogue. The selected target object is denoted as ot and other objects in the scene are represented as Os = [o1, o2, . . . , ons ], where ns is the number of other objects in the 3D scene. For each object, we use a pre-trained 3D point encoder g(·) to ex- tract features, Besides, we further incorporate extra object attributes (e.g. color, size, location) into these object features by a projector fe(·) to enrich semantic information. These 3D object features are projected to the word embedding space of pre- trained LLM via a projector fa(·). The process of 3D object feature extraction and mapping can be expressed as:
zi = fa(g(oi)+ei), with ei = fe([ci; si; li]) (1)
where i ∈ [t, 1, 2, . . . , ns], and ci, si, li ∈ R3 respectively represent the RGB value, bounding box size, and location for the i-th object. The extracted 3D features of target object and other objects are denoted as zt and Zs = [z1, z2, . . . , zns ].
Furthermore, we further introduce a relation module t(·) for capturing complex relations between objects. The features of objects then interact with each other to provide additional object relation information about the scene.
[ˆzt, ˆz1, ˆz2, . . . , ˆzns ] = r([zt, z1, z2, . . . , zns ]) (2)
The representations of a 3D scene are provided as ˆzt ∈ Rd, [ˆz1, ˆz2, . . . , ˆzn ] ∈ Rns×d, and d is the dimension of hidden states in the pre-trained LLMs.
Lastly, to facilitate user-friendly interaction between our system and users, we design an object-centric prompt as: ###Human: <target> ˆzt </target> <scene> ˆz1, ˆz2, . . . , ˆzns </scene> <instruction> ###Assistant:. Through this prompt, the LLM can comprehend the specific object the user wants to discuss and generate responses based on the 3D visual information and the given instructions.
3.2 Three-stage Training
Previous multi-modal LLMs [22, 23, 24, 25, 26] primarily follow a two-stage training scheme. In the first stage, LLMs take inputs from visual modality and learn to generate corresponding captions. The large-scale image- and video-text datasets allow comprehensive alignment between visual representations and the word embedding space of LLM. In the second stage, the model is fine-tuned with a high-quality instruction dataset, thereby further enhancing the perceptual and reasoning abilities.
However, in the 3D understanding field, the 3D scene-text data is significantly less than image- or video-text data. For example, the commonly used ScanRefer [3] dataset, which provides descriptions for ScanNet [55], only contains 36,655 captions for training. In contrast, the datasets used for the first stage training in previous multi-modal LLM methods are million-level or even billion-level, such as CC3M [28], CC12M [29], LAION-400M [30], LAION-5B [31] and WebVid-10M [32]. Considering
the scarcity of 3D scene-text data, we propose a more data-efficient three-stage training approach, which divides the process of aligning 3D features with the pre-trained LLM into two progressive stages: 3D object alignment and 3D scene alignment.
Stage 1: 3D Object Alignment The first stage is designed to learn the alignment between the representation of individual 3D objects and pre-trained LLM. Given a 3D object and its annotated category, the 3D object is encoded into a representation z ∈ Rd according to Equation 1. Its category name is encoded into a word embedding y ∈ Rd using the tokenizer of the pre-trained LLM. By maximizing the cosine similarity between the corresponding z and y, we can learn projectors fe(·) and fa(·) that effectively inject the 3D object representations into the word embedding space of LLM.
The advantage of Stage 1 is three-fold: 1) Compared to learning alignment through captioning objective, maximizing the similarity between representations provides a more direct learning objective for alignment, which can achieve more efficient alignment in low-resource scenarios. 2) Stage 1 enables the utilization of 3D point cloud object classification datasets, such as ShapeNet [56], ScanObjectNN [57], and Objaverse [58], which enhances the model’s generalization performance on diverse real-world objects. 3) The introduction of Stage 1 offers a smoother learning curve for comprehending complex 3D scenes. The model progressively transitions from learning individual object attributes to capturing intricate spatial object relations.
Stage 2: 3D Scene Alignment After aligning individual 3D object feature with pre-trained LLM, Stage 2 takes a step further by integrating the entire 3D scene into LLM. The training data is sourced from the ScanRefer dataset, which provides annotations for objects in a scene primarily based on their spatial relationships. Considering a 3D scene, which can be segmented into object set [o1, o2, . . . , on], we sequentially select each object as target objects and construct the input for LLM according to the methodology discussed in Section 3.1. The instruction in prompts requests the model to generate a brief description of the target object within the 3D scene. The learning objective is to generate a description that aligns with the description provided by the ScanRefer dataset for the target object, and only the two projectors fe(·), fa(·) and the relation module r(·) are learnable in this stage.
Stage 3: Instruction Tuning For enhancing the reasoning ability about 3D world, we curate a high- quality instruction dataset which comprises rich and detailed instructions. By tuning Chat-3D on this dataset, we further enhance its capability to comprehend diverse instructions, generate imaginative and contextually appropriate responses, engage in intricate spatial reasoning, and effectively incorporate external knowledge into its responses.
4 Object-centric Instruction Dataset
The complex object relationships and intricate interactions between agents and scenes impose elevated demands on reasoning capabilities. To enhance the reasoning ability pertaining to 3D world, we
construct a high-quality object-centric instruction dataset based on the annotations in ScanRefer. Specifically, we leverage the remarkable reasoning and summarizing capabilities of ChatGPT to automatically generate descriptive and detailed captions as well as diverse conversations centered around specific objects within 3D scenes.
Object-centric Descriptive Captions. ScanRefer annotates multiple captions for objects in a 3D scene based on their attributes and spatial relationships. We employ ChatGPT to summarize and rewrite these short captions into imaginative paragraphs. To facilitate ChatGPT’s comprehension of the 3D scene, we also textualize the 3D scene as shown in Table 1, providing the categories and XYZ coordinates of the target object and its ten nearest objects in the scene. Furthermore, we propose a prompt to request ChatGPT to focus on perceiving and reasoning about the object relations and agent interactions as exemplified in Table 2. During dataset construction, we initially manually annotated several examples and randomly selected two of them as in-context examples to guide the generation of ChatGPT. One example of the generated descriptive object-centric caption is shown in Table 3.
Object-centric Conversations. To enhance the capability of handling diverse instructions and general conversations, we further require ChatGPT to autonomously generate multi-turn dialogues in a self-questioning and self-answering format based on the brief captions of the target object and the textualized 3D scene.
5 Experiments
5.1 Implementation Details
During the training phase, we directly use ground truth annotations (point cloud and extra attributes) of each object in the 3D scene for better training quality. We employ the pre-trained Point-Bind[59] model with Point-BERT[12] architecture as g(·) to extract features for each object. Meanwhile, we use a linear layer as fe(·) to incorporate extra attributes (such as color, size, and location) into the extracted features. Then, a two-layer MLP serves as fa(·) to map these 3D object features to the word embedding space of the pre-trained LLM, and the relation module r(·) is implemented
using a one-layer vanilla transformer encoder. It is worth mentioning that the relation module is zero-initialized, thereby preserving the information learned in Stage 1 when Stage 2 begins. The chosen LLM for our experiment is a Vicuna 7B model[18], which is fine-tuned from the LLaMA base model[20].
5.2 Quantitative Analysis
In order to quantitatively evaluate the universal dialogue ability of Chat-3D and analyze the effect of the three-stage training scheme and our instruction dataset, we adopt GPT-4 [19] to measure the quality of our Chat-3D’s generated responses following LLaVA [23] and miniGPT4 [26]. Specifically, we randomly select 30 scenes from the ScanRefer validation set and randomly choose one object as the target object for each scene. We employ the instruction dataset construction methodology described in Section 4 and Chat-3D respectively to generate responses under the same scene and
instruction inputs. After that, we input the textualized scene, instructions, and the two kinds of generated responses into GPT-4 and request GPT-4 to provide an overall score on a scale of 1 to 10 for each response based on its helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, and level of detail. A higher score indicates a higher quality of response.
In Table 4, we study the effectiveness of the instruction dataset and compare the Chat-3D trained via our three-stage training scheme and the two-stage training method used in previous methods [22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. First, our three-stage training scheme significantly outperforms the previous two-stage method by 8.6 points, demonstrating the data efficiency of our three-stage training method in the low-resource setting. Second, by comparing different combination settings of the instruction dataset, we observe that incorporating conversation data leads to a higher improvement in conversation tests, while integrating detailed caption data enhances performance in detailed caption tests. By utilizing all the data together, our model demonstrates proficiency in both conversation and detailed caption tasks, ultimately achieving the highest overall score.
5.3 Qualitative Comparisons & Analysis
In section, we provide visualization examples of conversations about 3D scenes with Chat-3D. From these cases, we mainly study the perception, reasoning, and dialogue capabilities of Chat-3D. Besides, we further compare Chat-3D with 2D multimodal LLM methods such as MiniGPT-4 [26], LLaVA [23], and mPLUG-owl [60] to demonstrate the advantages and necessity of developing a specific multi-modal LLM for 3D scenes.
Perception, Reasoning and Dialogue We provide several examples of conversations with Chat-3D in Figures 2 to 7, covering various commonly-seen object types (e.g., table, chair, and bed). In Figure 2, Chat-3D shows strong perception capabilities by accurately counting objects, recognizing shapes, and precisely localizing them within the 3D space. In Figure 4, Chat-3D demonstrates impressive reasoning capabilities by deducing the cabinet’s purpose and evaluating its practicality based on its placement and spatial relationships with surrounding objects. Guided by the object- centric prompt outlined in Section 3.1, Chat-3D adeptly directs its attention to the specific target object indicated by the user. This enables Chat-3D to maintain focus on the intended subject without being diverted by other similar objects present in the scene. Moreover, the conversational exchanges consistently demonstrate the high-quality dialogue delivered by Chat-3D.
Comparisons with 2D Multi-modal LLMs We compare Chat-3D with MiniGPT-4[26], LLaVA
[23], and mPLUG-owl
[60] in Figures 8 to 11. Example 1, depicted in Figure 8, evaluates the model’s spatial perception ability in discerning whether both monitors are of identical size.
Chat-3D demonstrates accurate identification, while the other 2D models provide incorrect answers due to their limitations in comprehending depth and perspective relationships within the 2D image. In example 2, presented in Figure 9, the limitations of 2D models are further exposed in their inability to accurately identify the spatial relationships between the target object and its surrounding objects. Furthermore, the outstanding reasoning prowess of Chat-3D is exemplified through example 3 in Figure 10, showcasing its capacity to deliver a clear and meticulous analysis of the given question. In comparison to 2D models, Chat-3D’s analytical prowess shines brightly due to its remarkable aptitude for perceiving and comprehending concepts within the 3D space.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we build the first universal dialogue system for 3D scenes, leveraging the advanced visual perception capabilities of 3D pre-trained models, in conjunction with the powerful reasoning and open- domain conversational abilities of LLMs. To overcome the challenge of limited 3D data availability, we introduce a three-stage training scheme for multi-modal LLMs to progressively transition from learning individual object attributes to capturing complex spatial object relations. Furthermore, we construct a high-quality object-centric 3D instruction dataset and propose a corresponding object-centric prompt approach to facilitate a user-friendly interaction method. Experimental results demonstrate that Chat-3D showcases remarkable capabilities in universal dialogue, spatial reasoning, and the enhancement of external knowledge based on 3D scenes.
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