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Building Real-World Meeting Summarization Systems using Large Language Models: A Practical Perspective

October 30, 2023

Md Tahmid Rahman Laskar, Xue-Yong Fu, Cheng Chen, Shashi Bhushan TN

Dialpad Canada Inc.



This paper studies how to effectively build meeting summarization systems for real-world usage using large language models (LLMs). For this purpose, we conduct an extensive evaluation and comparison of various closed-source and open-source LLMs, namely, GPT-4, GPT- 3.5, PaLM-2, and LLaMA-2. Our findings re- veal that most closed-source LLMs are generally better in terms of performance. However, much smaller open-source models like LLaMA-2 (7B and 13B) could still achieve performance comparable to the large closed-source models even in zero-shot scenarios. Considering the privacy concerns of closed-source models for only being accessible via API, alongside the high cost associated with using fine-tuned versions of the closed-source models, the open-source models that can achieve competitive performance are more advantageous for industrial use. Balancing performance with associated costs and privacy concerns, the LLaMA-2-7B model looks more promising for industrial us- age. In sum, this paper offers practical insights on using LLMs for real-world business meeting summarization, shedding light on the trade-offs between performance and cost.

1        Introduction

Meetings are a widely used method for collaboration, with 55 million meetings occurring each week in the USA (Zhong et al., 2021; Hu et al., 2023). With the rise of remote work, meetings have be- come even more crucial. While the widespread use of video conferencing software has made it easier to record meetings, the huge number of meetings makes it challenging to keep up with the information exchanged during them, emphasizing the need for automated methods of accessing key information. To address this issue, a summarization system that generates text summaries from meeting transcripts can be highly beneficial. However, the state-of-the-art neural summarization models (Lewis et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020; Raffel et al., 2020) require large domain-specific summarization datasets for model training, which is difficult to obtain in real-world industrial scenarios due to the lack of domain-specific annotated data.

Recently, the impressive capability of LLMs to solve a wide range of tasks even in zero-shot scenarios (Laskar et al., 2023a; Qin et al., 2023; Bang et al., 2023) has drawn a lot of interest among practitioners to apply LLMs to solve real-world problems. However, despite the effectiveness of LLMs across several tasks, there is a scarcity of comparative analysis between LLMs in long conversational data, especially in tasks such as meeting summarization. Thus, an extensive evaluation of LLMs in long meeting transcripts is an important step for the development of a real-world meeting summarization system that leverages LLM technologies. In this regard, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of various LLMs, which includes closed-source models like GPT-3.5 (i.e., ChatGPT1), GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023), and PaLM-2 (Google, 2023), and two models (7B and 13B) of an open-source LLM: LLaMA-2 (Touvron et al., 2023). Our investigation focuses not only on the summarization quality of these models but also considers the cost-effectiveness and computational demands, providing a practical perspective to use such models in the real world.

Our experimental results show that while most closed-source models generally achieve better performance in meeting summarization datasets, the open-source LLaMA-2 models still achieve comparable performance while being significantly smaller. For this reason, an extensive model like GPT-4, despite its marginally superior performance, is deemed not as cost-effective due to its substantially higher computational requirements, alongside posing privacy risks since such closed-source models are only accessible via API. Furthermore, using fine-tuned versions of these closed-source models also significantly increases the API usage cost2. Thus, the trade-off between performance, cost, and computational demands makes open-source models like LLaMA-2 more favorable for industrial deployment. The insights from our analysis shed light on the practicalities of using LLMs for summarizing meeting transcripts. Thus, providing valuable guidance for similar industrial applications. Considering various factors, we employ LLaMA-2-7B in a real-world setting to generate summaries from Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)-generated transcripts (Fu et al., 2022; Khasanova et al., 2022; Laskar et al., 2022a,b, 2023b; Manderscheid and Lee, 2023) of organizational meetings. Below, we summarize our major contributions in this paper:

(i) We conduct an extensive evaluation of closed- source LLMs as well as open-source LLMs in several benchmark meeting summarization datasets.

(ii) We also present two approaches to address the long input sequence length issue in LLMs.

(iii) Finally, we demonstrate a practical perspective on the trade-offs that come with selecting a model for real-world usage based on its performance, cost, and computational requirements.

2        Related Work

In recent years, neural models based on the trans- former architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) have led to state-of-the-art performance across various summarization datasets (Lewis et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020; Raffel et al., 2020). However, these transformer-based models require domain-specific fine-tuning (Devlin et al., 2019) to achieve the optimum performance. Thus, in real-world scenarios where in-domain labeled datasets are difficult to obtain, directly applying pre-trained transformers for zero-shot summarization may not yield great performance. In this regard, the impressive zero-shot performance of LLMs across various summarization datasets (Laskar et al., 2023a) has drawn interest among practitioners to build real-world summarization systems via leveraging LLMs.

In the real world, one interesting application of summarization is generating concise notes of long organizational meetings. Though several datasets (Janin et al., 2003; Carletta et al., 2005; Gliwa et al., 2019; Clifton et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2021; Khalman et al., 2021; Zhu et al., 2021; Cho et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2022; Nedoluzhko et al., 2022) have been studied for the meeting summarization task in recent years, most of these datasets are not related to the business/organizational context. This makes these datasets less relevant for the evaluation of summarization models that require the generation of summaries from long organizational meetings. In this regard, some notable exceptions are the AMI (Carletta et al., 2005) dataset, the ICSI (Janin et al., 2003) dataset, the MeetingBank (Hu et al., 2023) dataset, and the QMSUM (Zhong et al., 2021) dataset, as they consist of organizational meeting transcripts, contrary to other datasets.

Since the development of a summarization system in a real-world industrial setting requires an extensive evaluation of the summarization model to ensure customer satisfaction, in this paper, we evaluate various LLMs in benchmark meeting summarization datasets. More specifically, we use the following datasets: AMI, ICSI, MeetingBank, and QMSUM. All these datasets are constructed from organizational meetings. We hope that our extensive evaluation of LLMs in these meeting summarization datasets will help researchers and industry professionals to harness the power of LLMs to build real-world meeting summarization systems.

3        Our Methodology

The objective of this research is to identify the most effective model to summarize organizational meetings that could be used in real-world applications in scenarios when in-domain labeled datasets are not available. Therefore, in this paper, we study LLMs due to their impressive zero-shot capabilities. However, one major issue with existing LLMs is their limitation to handle long contexts (Liu et al., 2023). Since organizational meetings are usually quite longer (Zhong et al., 2021), the input limit restrictions of LLMs make it difficult to consider the whole transcript sequence. In this regard, we study how to handle the long input sequence issue in LLMs based on the following two approaches (an overview of our proposed approaches is also shown in Figure 1):

  • Summarization via Truncation: In this approach, we handle the input length restrictions in LLMs by only giving the first n words of the meeting transcripts as input to the LLM for summarization. Our prompt for the LLM is given below:

Prompt: “Summarize the following conversa- tion: [TRUNCATED TRANSCRIPT]”

Figure 1: An overview of our proposed approaches. On the left (i), we demonstrate the Summarization via Truncation approach where only the first n words of the whole transcript are given as input to generate the summary. On the right (ii), we demonstrate the Summarization via Chapterization approach where the summaries of every n words of the transcript are first generated, denoted as chapter summaries, and then the final summary is generated either by (a) re-writing, (b) re-summarizing, or (c) concatenating the chapter summaries.
  • Summarization via Chapterization: In our previous approach, the context of the whole transcript could not be given as input to the LLMs since only the truncated input sequence, consisting of the first n words is provided. While this approach is quite efficient in terms of cost, the performance of the summarization may not be optimal due to truncating the input sequence length. To address this issue, we propose summarization via chapterization. In this approach, we sequentially summarize every n words. Here, we denote every n words as chapters and the summary generated in each chapter as chapter summary. Afterward, we generate the final summary from these chapter summaries, either by concatenating the chapter summaries or by re-summarizing/re-writing the chapter summaries. To generate the summary of each chapter, we use the same prompt as we used in our previous approach of summarization via truncation. To generate the final summary from the chapter summaries, in addition to directly concatenating the chapter summaries, we investigate the following prompts:

Prompt (Re-write): “Rewrite the following text by maintaining coherency: [Chapter Summaries]” Prompt (Re-summarize): “Summarize the following text: [Chapter Summaries]”

4        Experiments

In this section, we first present our models along with their implementation details. Next, we demonstrate the datasets we used for evaluation. Finally, we demonstrate our experimental findings.

4.1        Models

We use four different LLMs (three closed-source and one open-source) to benchmark their performance in meeting transcripts. For the open-source model, we run our experiments in a g2-standard-96 machine in Google Cloud Platform3 (GCP), having 384GB of RAM memory and 8 NVIDIA L4 GPUs (24GB). For the closed-source models, we use their respective APIs. Below, we describe these models. GPT-3.5: It is an autoregressive LLM that leverages the reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) mechanism.   It is the first backbone model behind ChatGPT and obtains impressive zero-shot performance across various tasks (Laskar et al., 2023a). We use the gpt-3.5-turbo- 0613 model from OpenAI4 that has the maximum context length of 4K tokens.

GPT-4: It is the latest LLM released by OpenAI which is also the first multimodal model in the GPT series (OpenAI, 2023). It is considered more reliable having better instruction-following capabilities than GPT-3.5. We use the version of gpt-4 that can consider the context length of 8k tokens.

PaLM-2: PaLM-2 is an LLM (Google, 2023) developed by Google. It leverages the mixture of objectives technique (Google, 2023) and significantly outperforms the original PaLM (Chowdhery et al., 2022) model. We use the text-bison@001 model in Google’s VertexAI5 for PaLM-2 that has an input context window of 8K tokens.

LLaMA-2: LLaMA-2 (Touvron et al., 2023) is an open-source LLM developed by Meta. One major advantage of LLaMA-2 over the previously mentioned LLMs is that it is open-sourced and available for both research and commercial purposes. In this paper, we use the respective Chat versions of LLaMA-2 for both 7B and 13B models from HuggingFace6 (Wolf et al., 2020).

DatasetSizeAvg. Transcript Len.Avg. Summary Len.

Table 1: Evaluation Dataset Statistics.

4.2        Datasets

As our goal is to build the summarization system for real-world ASR-generated transcripts in the organizational meeting domain, we use datasets that are more relevant to our use-case. Note that for all datasets, we use their respective test sets and evaluate different LLMs using the same zero-shot prompts as our goal is to build a real-world summarization system for organizational meeting transcripts. Thus, more generalized performance across various datasets is prioritized over obtaining state- of-the-art results on a particular dataset. Below, we describe these datasets (also see Table 1).

MeetingBank dataset: This is a recently pro- posed meeting summarization dataset that consists of city council meeting transcripts in the USA over the past decade (Hu et al., 2023). On average, a meeting segment in this dataset has 2892 tokens in the transcript and 87 tokens in the summary. We use all 862 instances of the test set for evaluation.

QMSUM dataset: It is a meeting summarization dataset that consists of 232 meetings in multiple domains (Zhong et al., 2021). However, this dataset is particularly constructed to conduct query-based summarization (Laskar et al., 2022c) of meetings, while our objective is to build a real-world summarization system that is required to generate the overall meeting summaries. Thus, we exclude instances from the QMSUM dataset that require the generation of meeting summaries depending on specific queries. This results in a filtered version of the QMSUM dataset (contains only 37 samples in the test set) that is more relevant to our target task. AMI dataset: The AMI (Carletta et al., 2005) dataset contains 140 scenario-based product design related meetings. The length of each meeting is usually between 30-40 minutes.

ICSI dataset: The ICSI (Janin et al., 2003) dataset consists of 75 meetings. The length of each meeting in this dataset is approximately 1 hour. This dataset consists of research-related discussions among students at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) in Berkeley.

4.3        Results & Discussions

For performance evaluation, we use ROUGE-1, 2, L (R-1, R-2, R-L) (Lin, 2004), and BERTScore (B-S) (Zhang et al., 2019) as our evaluation metrics. For B-S, we use the DeBERTa-xlarge-mnli (He et al.) model. Below, we present our findings.

4.3.1        Performance on Benchmark Datasets

While most of the LLMs we use in this paper for evaluation support at least 4K tokens, we find that longer sequence length makes the inference slower, which is not practical as our goal is to build a summarization system for production usage. Also, in terms of open-source models like LLaMA-2, it increases the computational requirements (e.g., re- quires high-end GPUs). Considering these restrictions, we use n = 2500 words as the maximum input sequence length for all models to ensure a fair evaluation. We show the results for all LLMs in different datasets in Table 2 (For simplicity, we also demonstrate the performance based on the average across all datasets according to various summarization types and different models in Figure 2). Below, we summarize our observations:

  • In the MeetingBank and QMSUM (Filtered) datasets, we surprisingly find that the summarization via chapterization approaches fail to outperform the summarization via truncation approach in many scenarios. This is surprising since the model does not have access to the whole context when the summarization via truncation approach is used, indicating that the gold reference summaries in these datasets could possibly be more biased towards the beginning of the transcript.
  • In the AMI and ICSI datasets, among the closed-source models, the performance of the PaLM-2 model noticeably lags behind that of GPT-3.5, and GPT-4. More interestingly, PaLM- 2 even lags behind much smaller LLaMA-2-7B and LLaMA-2-13B models. Note that we did not observe such a poor performance by PaLM-2 in MeetingBank and QMSUM datasets.
  • In the AMI dataset, we find that GPT-4 is the best in terms of ROUGE-1 and BERTScore, while GPT-3.5 is found to be the best in terms of ROUGE-2&L. For both models, the best results in these metrics are achieved based on the chapterization via re-writing approach. However, we find that the performance is generally much poorer for these models when the chapterization via resummarization and the summarization via truncation approaches are used (we also find quite similar trends for the LLaMA-2 models in this dataset).

Table 2: Performance of LLMs on the MeetingBank, QMSUM (Filtered), AMI, and ICSI Datasets.

  • In the ICSI dataset, we find that various ap- proaches using GPT-3.5 led to the best performance across different metrics. In terms of ROUGE-1&L, we find that chapterization via re-writing is the best, while in terms of ROUGE-2 and BERTScore, chapterization via concatenation led to the best re- sult. Similar to the AMI dataset, we again observe poor performance for GPT and LLaMA models using the chapterization via re-summarization and summarization via truncation approaches in the ICSI dataset, with truncation-based approach leading to the poorest performance. This may indicate that in AMI and ICSI datasets that require longer summaries (approximately, 300-450 words long summaries on average), either concatenation or re- writing of the chapter summaries is more useful.
  • In the MeetingBank dataset, we find that the chapterization via resummarization approach using GPT-4 is the best-performing approach in terms of ROUGE-1&L, and BERTScore, while LLaMA- 2-7B based on Truncation is the best-performing approach in terms of ROUGE-2. This is the opposite trend to what we observed in AMI and ICSI datasets. A possible explanation behind this finding could be because of the fact that the average length of the summaries in the MeetingBank dataset is just 57 words, and so the Truncation or the chapterization based on resummarization approaches may end up generating smaller summaries.
  • In the QMSUM dataset, the truncation approach is found to be the best-performing approach, as GPT-4 using this technique achieves the best result in terms of ROUGE-1&2, while GPT-3.5 achieves the best based on ROUGE-L. However, in terms of BERTScore, we find that GPT-4 based on chapterization via resummarization approach to be the best. These findings further establish our intuition that in datasets where the average gold reference summary length is smaller (in QMSUM, the average summary length is just 108 words), chapterization via resummarization or summarization via truncation approaches are more useful.
  • The average across all datasets in terms of different LLMs (see Figure 2a) demonstrate that GPT-4 is generally the best, followed by GPT-3.5, with PaLM-2 being the worst performer. We also observe that LLaMA-2 models achieve competitive performance, with the 7B model performing almost similar to the 13B model. This opens up the possibility of fine-tuning smaller LLMs on in-domain datasets to achieve further performance gain.
  • Based on the average across all datasets in terms of different summarization types (see Figure 2b), the chapterization via rewriting approach is found to be the best. We also do not find any significant difference in performance based on various summarization types. Since the truncation-based approach achieves performance comparable to various chapterization-based approaches even without considering the whole context, further investigation of the gold summaries in these datasets is needed.

4.3.2        Case Studies

To further investigate the performance of LLMs, we conduct some case studies using the Summarization via Truncation approach, as demonstrated below.

Figure 2: Average score across all datasets based on (a) model types and (b) summarization types.

Table 3: Results based on Context Length for GPT-4.

Table 4: Results based on Prompt Variations in the MeetingBank Dataset for GPT-3.5. Here, ‘Length’ denotes “average length of the generated summary”.

  • Case Study on Sequence Length: In this case study, we investigate how the value of n for maxi- mum input sequence length impacts the overall performance. In our study, we use the GPT-4 model and increase the value of n from 2500 to 5000. We present the results in different datasets in Table 3 to find that increasing the maximum input sequence length from 2500 to 5000 does not necessarily lead to an increase in performance. More specifically, in datasets that have an average transcript length of more than 10,000 words, we observe that the performance is increased with the increase in context length (e.g., QMSUMFiltered and ICSI). While the performance drops in datasets having smaller context length (e.g., AMI, MeetingBank). Liu et al. (2023) also find that increasing the sequence length of LLMs to consider long contexts does not necessarily improve the performance. Thus, future work should conduct more qualitative evaluations to identify the reason behind this trend.
  • Case Study on Prompt Variations: Here, we conduct experiments with GPT-3.5 in the MeetingBank dataset using the following prompts:

2 Sentences7: Summarize the following text in two sentences.

Long: Generate a long and descriptive summary of the following conversation.

Medium: Generate a summary of the following conversation.

Short: Generate a very short and concise summary of the following conversation.

We present our results for this case study in Table 4 to find that different prompts yield different results. For instance, prompting to generate long summaries led to an average summary length of 400.3, which also led to the poorest performance. Meanwhile, shorter summaries yield better performance. Since the average length of the summary in MeetingBank is 56.7 tokens, the prompt to generate the summary in 2 sentences leads to an average summary length of 49.2 which also achieves the best performance. These findings demonstrate that based on user requirements, we may build summa- rization systems in the real-world that can generate summaries of various lengths.

5        Using LLMs in Real-World Systems

To deploy LLMs in the real world, we study the following aspects: cost and inference speed.

Cost: Based on our experiments, we find that except for the PaLM-2 model, the closed-source LLMs usually outperform the open-source LLaMA- 2 models. While GPT-4 generally performs the best, it is also more costly. As of the writing of this paper, the pricing8 in OpenAI for the GPT series models are as follows: for GPT-4, the 8K context version costs 0.03$ per 1K input tokens and 0.06$ per 1K output tokens, while for the 4K context version of GPT-3.5 that we use costs 0.0015$ per 1K input tokens and 0.002$ per 1K output tokens. On average, it makes GPT-4 25 times more costly than GPT-3.5. Meanwhile, for PaLM-2, the pricing9 in Google Cloud is 0.0010$ per 1000 characters (for both input and output). Approximately, 1 token is considered as 4 characters. Thus, the cost for PaLM-2 is 0.0040$ per 1K tokens, making it about 2.5 times more costly than GPT-3.5. Regarding LLaMA-2, we were able to run it in a machine with 1 NVIDIA L4 GPU, while the LLaMA-2-13B model was possible to run using 2 L4 GPUs. How- ever, using multiple GPUs significantly increases the production cost. Thus, in terms of real-world usage, LLaMA-2-7B is more useful than LLaMA- 2-13B as we observe almost similar performance using these models across various datasets.

Inference Speed: We also measure the inference speed of different LLMs. For this purpose, we collected 100 meeting transcripts from Dialpad10 that consist of real-world conversations. All the collected transcripts have at least 2500 words. Based on our analysis using the Summarization via Truncation approach, we find that GPT-3.5 is the fastest, as it takes 2.5 seconds on average per transcript for inference, followed by PaLM-2 which takes about 3.2 seconds on average. While GPT-4 achieves the best performance in terms of ROUGE and BERTScore metrics, it is also the slowest among the commercial closed-source LLMs since it takes about 11 seconds on average per transcript. We also benchmark the inference speed of LLaMA-2-7B in GCP on a machine having 1 NVIDIA L4 GPU and find that it takes 15 seconds on average.

Deployment: While using the APIs of closed-source models usually leads to faster inference speed, there are some drawbacks of using closed-source LLMs. For instance, businesses need to send their customer data using the 3rd-party API, which may lead to potential privacy risks. Mean- while, we also observe that these LLM APIs some- times become too slow when the demand is high, leading to API request failure. By considering such cases of API failures, the average inference speed of GPT-4 is increased to 40 seconds per transcript (up from 11 seconds). Thus, based on cost and inference speed trade-off, alongside the privacy concerns and the possibility of fine-tuning on in-domain datasets without additional deployment costs, LLaMA-2-7B looks more promising for pro- duction usage. Meanwhile, we can also leverage various model optimization (Zhu et al., 2023) techniques like quantization, pruning, distillation, etc. to further reduce the memory requirement as well as improve the inference speed. Therefore, we select the LLaMA-2-7B model for real-world usage and after further fine-tuning on our in-domain data, we successfully deploy it in our production environment in a machine having 1 NVIDIA L4 GPU.

6        Conclusion

In this paper, our extensive study involving various LLMs led to several key insights on building a real-world meeting summarization system. While most closed-source LLMs usually outperform their open-source counterparts, striking a balance between cost and performance (while also addressing potential privacy risks) is crucial for practical, real-world deployment. This became evident in the case of GPT-4, which, while showing superior performance in most datasets, was considerably less cost-effective. By considering the performance and cost trade-off, as well as the privacy concern, we deploy a summarization model based on LLaMA-2-7B to generate live summaries of ASR-generated meeting transcripts. This research thereby provides crucial insights and a clear perspective on deploying LLMs in real-world industrial settings. In the future, we will investigate the performance of LLMs by applying various optimization techniques.


One of the limitations of this work is that the models were only evaluated on academic datasets even though our focus was to build this system for real-world usage for a particular business organization to summarize meeting conversations. Thus, future work should focus on constructing a dataset for the target domain consisting of real-world conversations. Moreover, it has been found recently that existing evaluation metrics like ROUGE have several limitations while evaluating the performance of LLMs in summarization datasets (Laskar et al., 2023a; Goyal et al., 2022). Thus, future work should also benchmark the performance of LLMs in meeting summarization based on extensive human evaluation. While this paper evaluates 3 closed-source LLMs and 1 open-source LLM, there are many other recently proposed open- source LLMs (Zhang et al., 2023; Zhao et al., 2023; Chang et al., 2023), such as Cerebras11, Pythia12, Dolly13, Vicuna14, MPT15, RedPajama16, Falcon17, XGen18, Mistral19, which are not evaluated in this work. Nonetheless, LLaMA-2 is found to be one of the best-performing open-source models (Zhao et al., 2023) and so we select this model in our work. Though the performance of different LLMs may not be state-of-the-art in various datasets, the intended development of the summarization system using LLMs was to ensure more generalized performance in our targeted domain across various types of meetings, instead of obtaining state-of-the-art performance in a particular dataset.

Ethics Statement

License: We maintained the licensing requirements accordingly while using different tools from the providers (e.g., OpenAI, Google, Meta, HuggingFace).

Privacy: To protect user privacy, sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (e.g., credit card number, phone number, person names) were removed while benchmarking the inference speed of different LLMs on the collected 100 real-world transcripts.

Intended Use: Note that our model is intended to provide business organizations with a quick overview of the meetings. While poor summarization quality may lead to a bad user experience, it should not lead to any ethical concern since the summary is required to be generated based on only the given transcript. Meanwhile, the LLM that would be used in production for summarization will only do inference but will not be re-trained on live meeting transcripts. Only the users of a particular meeting will have access to the summary and so information from any other meetings will not be revealed to the users.


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